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Course : LIS. Library of the School of Philosophy. Introduction to the use of the Library

Course code : LIB104

LIS. Library of the School of Philosophy. Introduction to the use of the Library

LIB104  -  Library workshops and training team


First Name Size Date
What search fields to use in every case, what to avoid and what to prefer in order to make succesful searches
132.63 KB 1/13/21, 12:20 PM
For use during the seminar
1.14 MB 3/15/22, 10:45 AM
I can follow the library session, step by step and I can come back and review at my own pace
503.17 KB 10/13/22, 12:21 PM
I can see the history of my searches, books that I have borrowed, when to return them, make book lists and send them to e-mails
4.76 MB 10/13/22, 10:34 AM
See what is there in our library's website at a glance
701.34 KB 10/13/22, 10:36 AM
I can find practical information about all library services, access and contact details. It includes nice views of both inside and outside the library building
441.21 KB 1/13/21, 3:09 PM
Presentation of library services, website, online catalog, borrowing, interlibrary loan, digital content, etc.
3.71 MB 10/12/22, 1:26 PM
See the subject categories of books and understand the arrangement of books on the shelves
520.88 KB 10/13/22, 10:32 AM