
ΤύποςAρχείο ΕπάνωΜέγεθοςΗμερομηνία
Θεατρική Ομάδα Τμήματος Αγγλικής - Πρόσκληση - Ιούνιος 2024 (1).pdf 396.96 KB11/6/24
ΕΘΕΛΟΝΤΙΚΗ ΥΠΟΣΤΗΡΙΞΗ -Σημειώσεις- Εαρινό 2023-2024 155.1 KB25/4/24
Willliam Shakespeare's life 250.91 KB9/3/21
William Shakespeare- relevant images 3.57 MB9/3/21
Understanding 'The Tempest' 2.08 MB19/5/20
The Wheel of Fortune, the Wheel of State, and Moral Choice in 'Hamlet' 1.64 MB28/4/20
The Tragedy of Hamlet's World View 1.51 MB5/5/20
The Renaissance- Introduction 55.2 MB1/3/21
The Narrative Sources of The Tempest 1.28 MB19/5/20
The Comedy of Errors-Acts of the Apostles & St Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians 244.88 KB31/3/20
The Comedy of Errors- excerpts from 16th and 17th century conduct books 212.39 KB31/3/20
The Comedy of Errors and the Theology of Things 1.83 MB28/4/20
Short review assignment 2023-24 16 KB30/4/24
Shakespearean Comedy in The Comedy of Errors 865.06 KB5/5/20
Shakespeare's The Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism 414.8 KB19/5/20
prosklhsh-parakampsi (1).jpeg 250.24 KB14/5/24
poster-parakampsi (1).jpeg 348.34 KB14/5/24
Notes on metatheatre 289.87 KB5/5/20
Naomi Wallace, Monday, May 20, 11:30-13:30, Amphitheater of the  School of Philosophy Library, NKUA 412.96 KB9/5/24
Infographics Υπηρεσία Εθελοντικής Υποστήριξης εαρινό 2023-2024 333.87 KB25/4/24
Hamlet and Freud 1.41 MB28/4/20
Great is Diana of Shakespeare's Ephesus 3.48 MB28/4/20
Google_Meet_-_Foititis-2 (2).pdf 859.94 KB16/6/20
Early Modern Theatre 8.9 MB9/3/21
Early modern excerpts on tragedy 200.93 KB7/4/20
77th Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS)- 2024 brochure 476.98 KB15/3/24
'Of the Cannibales' by Michel Montaigne 14.17 KB26/5/20