Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
Welcome to the First Department of Pathology of the School of Medicine of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
During the 4th semester semester of your undergraduate studies at the UOA School of Medicine, you will be taught the Pathology I course, respectively. Your registration for the course on the online class platform is necessary to be informed in time about the announcements of the Secretariat of the course.
In the 4th semester (spring), the courses Pathology I take place, which include the following subjects: applications of pathological anatomy, immunopathology, genetic diseases, cell damage-degenerations, inflammation, tissue repair, and neoplasia. The above items relate to General (Basic) Pathology. The lymphatic-haematopoietic system, nervous system, skeletal muscle and eye, locomotor system, endocrine system, and skin, which fall under the knowledge field of Systemic Pathology, are also taught during the 4th semester. The program extends to approximately 40 hour-long theoretical lectures and 7 mandatory two-hour laboratory exercises.
In the context of regular, live teaching, the material is covered in up to 40 hours of theoretical lectures and laboratory exercises and clinicopathological tutorials. In the theoretical lectures, the basic patho-anatomical knowledge about the tissue substrate of diseases and the mechanisms that cause them are highlighted. What constitutes basic knowledge per chapter can be found in the "Learning Objectives - Basic Knowledge Questions" list in the "Documents" of this portfolio.In the laboratory exercises, the student recognizes basic macroscopic and microscopic changes in common pathological entities, comparing the pathological findings with the normal morphology of organs and tissues and becomes familiar with the pathological anatomical terminology. In clinicopathological tutorials, clinical data are correlated with pathological anatomical changes through the analysis of patient history, so as to cultivate critical clinical pathological anatomical medical thinking and familiarize the student with the possibilities and limitations of his future diagnostic and therapeutic practice.
Compulsory Attendance - Absences
Both the theoretical lectures and the laboratory exercises are compulsory, and attendance is checked.
Method of Conducting Lessons and Laboratory Exercises:
During both laboratory lessons and exercises, the professors do not answer questions.Before the end of the course, students are free to formulate their questions so that a short discussion can follow on the questions they raise.Αρχή φόρμας
Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition,
Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster ISBN: 9780323531139
Pathology Ι : 1,2,3,5,6,7,13,14,24,25,26,27,28,29
Director of the 1st Department of Pathology : Professor N. Kavantzas
Academic supervisor for Pathology I & II : Professor A.C. Lazaris
Contact information : alazaris@med.uoa.gr / 210 7462158& 210 746 2051
Available day and time of communication with the academic supervisor : Every Thursday 9 am to10 am
Secretarial support: M. Giannari, M.Ed., mgiannari@med.uoa.gr, 210 746 2158
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Πέμπτη 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023
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