
Energy Law LLM European Private Law Χ 2024-2025
(LAW933) - Aikaterini Iliadou, Maria Gavouneli, Anastasios Gourgourinis, Konstantinos Karagiannis
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts, general principles, institutions and procedures of Energy Law. To this end, we will analyze the evolution of Energy Law in modern times, based on norms and regulations available across the board in international, Eu and domestic law as well as the developing case-law of national and international courts.
Modern Energy Law is understood as a multidimensional, specialized scientific topic.Public interest parameters related to the energy sector (i.e. security of supply, economic efficiency, protection of the environment and considerations relating to climate change) decisively determine the current legal order. Thus, because of energy markets liberalization and the abolition of former sectoral public monopolies, specific institutions and tools for market regulation emerge, while legal norms are standardized and multiplied, complex legal relations are created due to the network market structure and legal disputes need to be settled. At the same time, the necessity to mitigate the dangers of the acute climate crisis direct the developments in the sector and redefine the applicable legal framework.
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Δευτέρα 3 Οκτωβρίου 2022
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