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Εικόνα επιλογής


(2077) -  (Assοciate Professor George D. Kyriakopoulos)

Περιγραφή Μαθήματος

“International peace and security” is a concept of the utmost value for contemporary international relations and essentially refers to the maintenance of the international status quo against potential threats. The coming of the Information Age not only radically changed domestic societies as well as the international community but also added a new, important dimension to international security: Cybersecurity – in other words, a corpus of technological, political as well as legal means designed to protect the so-called ‘cyberspace’ from ‘cyber-threats’ -  became a new area of concern for States, business stakeholders and individuals. The emphasis, in this course, is on the role of international law with respect to the maintenance of cybersecurity in international relations.

Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας

Τετάρτη 3 Μαρτίου 2021