
Fundamentals of Public International Law
(LAW654) - Prof. Linos-Alexander Sicilianos
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
The course aims at giving a modern approach to general international law by insisting on its “humanization”. The development of the international protection of human rights, as an integral part of international law, has had a progressive and profound impact on the international legal order. The course will first examine international law as the legal bedrock of the international protection of human rights. The second part of the course will examine the impact of human rights on general international law. Finally, the course will dive into the cornerstone principle of prohibition of the use of force and its exceptions as well as the UN system of collective security.
The course aims at providing an approach to the main chapters of international law through the lens of human rights and to highlight the major changes in theory and practice since the Second World War and especially since the beginning of the 21st century, as well as the challenges ahead. After successful completion, students are expected to understand:
- the evolution from the traditional approach of international law, revolving around the States and their interests, to a modern one integrating the individual as an important factor of the international legal order;
- the modalities and the importance of such evolution;
- the practical consequences of such evolution, including landmark cases before international courts and tribunals illustrating it.
Sources of International Law, Structure and Hierarchy of the International Legal Order, International Responsibility, Jurisdiction of States, Recognition of States, Jurisdictional Immunities, Diplomatic Protection and Consular Assistance, Succession of States, Subjects of International Law, International Human Rights law, International Humanitarian Law International Criminal Law, International Environmental Law, Peace and Security, Prohibition of the use of force, system of collective security, UN authorised operations, UN sanctions, UN peacekeeping operations.
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Τετάρτη 14 Οκτωβρίου 2020
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