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Εικόνα επιλογής

Environmental Attunement In Sport And Physical Activity

(CIVIS101) -  Constantinos CARTALIS, NKUA - Aspasia DANIA, NKUA - Margarita ASIMAKOPOULOU, NKUA, Vasileios PASCHALIS, NKUA, Maria Antonietta IMPEDOVO, Aix Marseille, Olivier VORS, Aix Marseille, Veronica LOPRESTI, Sapienza, Maria Chiara GALLOTA, Sapienza

Περιγραφή Μαθήματος

The present BIP is a teaching and disciplinary co-operation established by sport physiology, environmental and social sciences faculty staff members at three universities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Aix-Marseille Université, France, and Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia).

The consortium is carefully set up by partners located in CIVIS partner universities, experts in the fields of environmental science, sport and physical activity physiology and sport pedagogy.

All partners will use a multidisciplinary perspective to explore the potential for sensitizing students to engage in lifestyle sport and physical activity via developing environmental and ecological perception and awareness for this purpose, promoting outdoor education and sustainability and understanding the environment as an integrated, complex system, where the training process should be contextualized.

Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας

Πέμπτη 11 Ιανουαρίου 2024

  • Course Objectives/Goals

    The major foreseen activities/outcomes of the BIP are:
    - Presentation of notions of the environment and ‘nature’ in research and practice about physical activity and sport;
    - Development of strategies to maximize the effectiveness of teaching and learning sport and physical activity in indoor and outdoor environmental settings, also taking note of environmental pressures and risks (air pollution, thermal discomfort, etc.);
    - Presentation of the possibilities and challenges of translating environment from policy to curriculum and practice in physical activity and sport.
    - Development of a game, in the form of a treasure hunt, designed for urban environments and tailored for the cities the project partners are based. This game seeks to combine different aspects of environmental education in the context of climate change mitigation strategies and further enhance behavior change towards sustainability