
Space Software
(AEROSPACE705) - Χρήστος Τσίγκανος
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
Διδάσκων: Καθ. Χρήστος Τσίγκανος, Τμήμα Αεροδιαστημικής
Space Software Group: software.aerospace.uoa.gr
This course will discuss software engineering foundations tailored for space software; themes will include:
Requirements and Specifications
- Requirements elicitation and Analysis
- Validation, Specification and Goal
modelling - Space Software Standards
Formal Verification
- Engineering dependable systems
- From requirements and specifications to
formal guarantees - Actionable techniques and technologies
Software Design & Software Architecture
- Design techniques
- Architecture layers, styles & representations
Software Testing
- Failures, Faults & Errors
- White-box Testing
- Testing Coverage & Criteria
Space Upstream
- Flight Software & compute stack
- From embedded to CCSDS Mission Operation Services
- Space Software Frameworks
Space Downstream
- Ground “Data” Systems
- Primer on Distributed and Service-based Systems
- Web Services and the Cloud for the new Space Downstream
Invited lectures on cutting-edge topics by international experts, TBA. Teaser:
- Model-Driven Engineering
- Techniques for Radiation-Hardening and Error Correction
- Probabilistic Model Checking
- Synthetic Data for Machine Learning Applications
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Δευτέρα 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2023
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