Course : American Poetry
Course code : ENL518
DOATAP and Degree-pending students' examination, Fall 2023-24
Dear students and DOATAP applicants,
As instructed by the University authorities, I must offer you a written examination on Webex. This has been set for the same time as my Medieval Literature examination, i.e., Thursday, 11:30-13:30.
Please note that you are required to:
a. TYPE your exam answers in an Open Office/Office Libre or Word file, so that they may be submitted to the turnitin platform for checking. No handwritten exams will be allowed.
b. log in from a device with a CAMERA that shall remain ON for the duration of the exam, and focused on your person from the hands upwards. There can be no exceptions to the rule.
The address is:
Medieval Literature Written Examination
Hosted by Christina Dokou
Thursday, February 8, 2024 11:25 AM | 2 hours 15 minutes | (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest
Meeting number: 2784 831 5255
Password: u6rQrxMTn38
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2
Access code: 278 483 15255
See you then,
Dr. Dokou