Political Discourse and Translation

Αναστασία Παπακωνσταντίνου


It is an elective course intended to provide students with knowledge and skills that enable them to translate political texts, analyze them and be in a position to use themselves political discourse in its written and oral form. The course is offered in the spring semester, to 8th semester students, within the frames of initial translation training. Students need a certain maturity and knowledge of translation and discourse principles as well as high motivation in analysing political discourse. The overall aim is to provide students with a critical awareness of translating and analysing political, manipulative discourse and to develop theoretical and practical insight.

The course syllabus is covered a) by 3-hour weekly sessions, b) the coursebook and suggested further readings, c) oral classroom presentations, d) extra texts on which practical work in class (workshops) is based, e) individual /pair work mini project based on an interview to be taken, writing an article, analysing a pol

