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Μάθημα : Computer Assisted Language Learning

Κωδικός : ENL110

Computer Assisted Language Learning

ENL110  -  Βασίλης Χαρτζουλάκης


The students will attend four three-hour sessions on taking advantage of the potential offered to the second language teacher by modern technology. They will be introduced to different aspects of the Internet, with a look at educational software available on the Internet and at designing activities based on the integration of the resources and services provided by the Internet.

After a brief introduction to the theories underpinning Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Web Enhanced Language Learning (WELL) and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL), the students will be familiarised with specific software packages (WIDA?s Authoring Suite, TexToys and Hot Potatoes) and they will learn basic web design using Microsoft Office, so that they can set up a personal website.

The participants do not need to possess in-depth knowledge of computers or advanced computing skills. Basic knowledge of using a Web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and a Word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word) will suffice.

Here you can find the latest students' works


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