Course : Yπολογιστική Γεωμετρία / Computational Geometry
Course code : DI664
Course Description

Graduate course, Spring 2025, Thursday 2 pm, room Γ (Department of Informatics and Telecommunications)
Intoduction to geometric algorithms and computation. Overview of active research areas of computational geometry. Design and analysis of algorithms, geometric software implementations and real-world applications (such as computational finance and structural biology).
- Convexity, convex hulls, volume computation.
- Robust geometric computations, input degeneracy, predicates, filters.
- Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation, alpha-shapes.
- Linear programming algorithms and reverse search, duality.
- Minkowski sum, triangulations and regular subdivisions; connections to algebraic geometry and optimization.
- Randomized geometric algorithms; high-dimensional sampling and volume approximation.
- Geometric data structures, approximate nearest neighbors, spatial databases.
A. Take home assignment, up to 1/4
B. Class participation 5%
C. Course project (oral presenations & final report), the rest.
Class presentations should use PDF / ΡΡΤ files to discuss and critically present their topic. At the end of the exam period students submit a full report discussing / comparing their papers, possibly open questions and future work. Also any experiments and software they developed.Course Syllabus
20 February: Introduction and convexity; convex hulls in the plane
27 February: no course (department closed)
6 March: High dimensional convex hulls, basics on polytopes
13 March: no course (department closed)
20 March: Duality of polytopes, Fourier-Motzkin elimination, intro to polymake
Thursday, March 13, 2025, 10:17 AM
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:33 AM
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 9:51 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 3:23 PM