Literary Translation

Αναστασία Παπακωνσταντίνου


Literay Translation is an elective course in our undergraduate program. It is offered in the winter semester of each academic year, to 7th semester students, within the frames of initial training in Translation Studies. It is intended to provide students with knowledge and skills that enable them to translate texts, analyze them and be in a position, in the long run, to write themselves literary texts by thorougly understanding the different literary genres: Prose, Poetry and Drama.

The course syllabus is covered: a) by weekly sessions, b) the coursebook and suggested further readings, c) texts to practise translation skills, d) a portfolio which is consisted of the work held in class, and on which students work in pairs, e) oral presentations.

The issues presented during the weekly class sessions are based on the coursebook: Translemics: a coursebook on Translation Studies,by Anastasia Paconstantinou, Leader Books, 2004, and on texts to be analyzed, translated and corrected in class ,

