Psychology of Learning/Learning Difficulties

Αναστασία Παπακωνσταντίνου


It is an elective course in our undergraduate program offered to 6th semester students of our Faculty. Students need a certain maturity and knowledge of psychological and learning principles as well as high motivation in working in the field of learning difficulties. It is intended to provide students with knowledge and skills that enable them to understand what learning is: Is it a change in behavior or understanding? Is it a product or process? The latter takes us into the field of learning theories, ideas about how learning may happen. The aim is to analyze them and be in a position to distinguish between learning as a process- task conscious or acquisition learning and learning conscious or formalized learning. Furthermore we proceed with an analysis of what learning difficulties are? How are they diagnosed? Which are the common characteristics of learning difficulties: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia,Dyspraxia,  Dysnomia, Dysphasia, ADHD…. and general  issues to consider when wo

