Yπολογιστική Γεωμετρία / Computational Geometry (M169 (ΠΜΣ 560))

Γιάννης Εμίρης, Ileana Streinu


Graduate course, Spring 2024, Friday 3 pm, room Δ

Intro to Geometric Algorithms and geometric combinatorics, overview of active research areas of Computational Geometry. Design and analysis of algorithms, Implementation.

Convex hulls, convexity, volume computation and approximation. Minkowski sum, polygon triangulation and regular subdivisions. Implementation issues (input degeneracy) and perturbations. Linear programming algorithms and reverse search, duality. Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation, alpha-shapes.

Geometric data structures, geometric search, approximate nearest neighbors in general dimension, LSH, dimensionality reduction, randomized projections. Johnson-Lndenstrauss lemma. Curse of dimensionality and how to circumvent it. Applications to clustering.

The geometry of kinematics, linkages, and origami. Applications to bioinformatics and robotics.


Eισαγωγή στους Γεωμετρικούς Αλγόριθμους, προεκτάσεις προς τις ενεργές περιοχές της Υπολογιστικής Γεωμετρίας. Σχεδιασμός κ

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