Αncient Greek Topography and Architecture

Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos @ BAAG


From Athens and Sparta to the Hellenistic Kingdoms of Macedonia, Ptolemaic Egypt, and Seleucid Syria, Greek architects created ambitious structures in order to house religious, political, and social activities: temples and palaces, gymnasia, stadiums, and theatres, as well as houses and tombs, offer to the modern scholar a valuable glimpse into the society they once served. The course undertakes a systematic survey of Greek sites and monuments, from the 8th to the 1st c. BC, in order to establish the main developments in architecture and city planning, as well as their impact on Greek culture.

Upon the successful completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Understand the spatial organization of the main Greek sanctuaries
  • Indentify the evolution of the Greek architectural orders
  • Have an overview of the Greek temples and other public buildings as well as houses and cities



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