&INST TITLE = "Δεδομένα Ministeps 2019.xlsx" PERSON = Person ; persons are ... ITEM = Item ; items are ... ITEM1 = 1 ; column of response to first item in data record NI = 10 ; number of items NAME1 = 12 ; column of first character of person identifying label NAMELEN = 14 ; length of person label XWIDE = 1 ; number of columns per item response CODES = 12345 ; valid codes in data file UIMEAN = 0 ; item mean for local origin USCALE = 1 ; user scaling for logits UDECIM = 2 ; reported decimal places for user scaling KEY1 = 2513231244 ; key for MCQ scoring ; Excel file created or last modified: 24/5/2019 8:32:50 πμ ; Δεδομένα ; Excel Cases processed = 127 ; Excel Variables processed = 35 ; GROUPS = 0 ; Partial Credit model: in case items have different rating scales TOTALSCORE = Yes ; Include extreme responses in reported scores ; Person Label variables: columns in label: columns in line @Student = 1E11 ; $C12W11 @Gender = 13E13 ; $C24W1 &END V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 END LABELS 2513231244 26617334524 M 2513251144 12040715885 F 2513221144 26097044365 F 2513231244 26449244835 M 2533231244 18095015325 M 3553431252 23208641412 F 5232212444 24253116982 F 2513251144 23859940935 M 0124414224 24258116915 M 0513211244 22861420005 M 2513231244 22094044355 M 2513231244 23251644985 M 2013231244 18296127345 M 2513231244 22096025335 F 2513221244 25618836525 M 2513231234 25606847445 M 2513241244 18297125345 M 2513351234 18008016455 M 2513231244 27436703795 M 2532231244 26442230875 M 2533124414 23490733345 M 2513251244 24038021705 M 2513231244 22472221105 M 3513131234 24807404415 F 2513231244 26441211825 M 2512231244 22622340605 M 2513231244 26047007825 M 2513251244 22685343215 M 2513221244 27880945205 F 2513241244 24289127265 M 2552221244 25010546545 M 2513251244 22236120725 M 2513231244 22076026155 M 2513231244 21837908705 M 2523231244 24237145775 M 2523231244 23282621254 M 2513241244 52640332835 M 2513231244 27044547815 M 2533231244 21899905315 M 2513251244 26425236605 M 2513251244 18416231585 M 2523241244 26457242965 M 2523251244 23421701665 M 2513241244 34242115815 M 5513231244 24404203415 M 2513231244 26267137005 M 2513231244 21820915655 M 2513231244 22689340225 M 2513251244 18085018235 M 2513231244 27239605745 M 2513231244 18486223245 M 3513211144 18263136045 F 2513231244 18453224945 M 2513231144 22085003285 M 2514311244 21614844575 M 2513241244 24883436255 M 2523251244 22605338465 M 2513231244 23653823945 M 2513231244 24811445565 M 2513251244 25808905485 M 2513241244 18088045235 M 2515241240 24468235045 M 2513251244 25813931595 M 2513211244 26439217775 M 2513241244 25497706385 M 2513231244 24277147115 M 3333221334 24885423275 M 2412221344 27885917205 M 5513231244 22652345965 M 2513241244 26435244745 M 2513251244 24603346485 M 2513231244 25483713225 M 2513251244 26816444585 M 5132124454 24668331035 M 2533231244 24889437205 M 2513231244 23221617615 M 2523251244 27457743945 F 2553241244 24009004455 M 2513331144 24208113415 M 2513251244 23088533295 M 2513231244 29098520375 M 2513251244 25053517945 M 2554211244 24207110405 M 2513231244 25261638015 M 2513231244 24267136035 M 2513221244 23803908481 M 2513251244 26442202885 F 2523231244 22040024835 F 2523231244 27028525605 M 2513231244 25848928815 M 5533121143 21649811885 F 2513231244 24287120225 M 2513231244 24287131225 M 2513241244 20070007145 M 2513251244 24803411455 M 2513225244 22871401105 M 2513251244 27855935945 M 5513231244 25647806825 M 2513231244 21601842495 M 2513231244 27411748535 M 2513231244 22659345945 M 5513251244 27642836825 M 2513231244 22068037015 M 2513221144 26059014945 M 2513231144 24220101655 M 2513211244 18089004215 M 2513251245 27054536942 M 2513231244 26804441465 M 2513231244 24279126105 M 2513231244 22617315565 M 2513231244 24294146315 M 2513231244 22837415765 M 2513231244 18268131035 M 2534321241 27857913935 F 2513211244 24272147135 M 2513231244 27446702875 M 2513251244 23602805465 M 2523241244 25801937455 M 2513251144 22476233195 M 2513231244 24450210975 M 2513231244 17234600795 M 2523231244 23487740295 M 2513241144 24640321895 M 2513201444 21862932075 M 2513231244 24456203905 M 2513231244 22034001705 M 2513231244 24488223265 M