R Markdown is an essential tool for reproducible research in biostatistics. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. This document will guide you through:
For more details, visit the R Markdown website
To work with R Markdown, if necessary:
The YAML header (at the top between ---
) configures your
document. Key settings include:
R Markdown supports various text formatting options:
or underscores _italic_
underscores __bold__
: Use backticks for inline code
Unordered lists use asterisks, plus, or minus signs:
Ordered lists use numbers:
The following document is mainly based on https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/r-code.html.
You can insert R code chunks using:
button)Ctrl + Alt + I
(Cmd + Option + I
on macOS)There are many chunk options in knitr documented at https://yihui.name/knitr/options. Here are some important ones:
: Controls whether to execute
the code chunk
: Shows/hides source code (some
may prefer to see only the results and not the source code)
: Controls output
to hide text output.'asis'
to write text output "as-is". e.g., you
can write raw Markdown text from R code (like
cat('*Markdown** is cool.\n')
). By default, text output
will be wrapped in verbatim elements.collapse
: Controls whether text
output and source code are merged into a single code block in the
output. This is mostly cosmetic: collapse = TRUE
makes the
output more compact by displaying R source code and its text output in a
single block. The default collapse = FALSE
separates R
expressions and their text output into different blocks.
, message
, and
: Control display of
: Controls chunk inclusion
in output. When include = FALSE
, the entire code chunk is
excluded from the output, but will still be evaluated if
eval = TRUE
. When you want to set
echo = FALSE
, results = 'hide'
warning = FALSE
, and message = FALSE
, you
might simply use the single option
include = FALSE
Figure dimensions: Use fig.width
When you click the Knit button, a document will be generated that includes both content and the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document.
You can produce various outputs in a code chunk: text output, tables,
or graphics. You have fine control over all these outputs via chunk
options, which can be provided inside the curly braces (between
and }
The value of a chunk option can be any valid R expression, which
makes chunk options extremely flexible. For example, the
option controls whether to evaluate (execute) a code
chunk, and you can conditionally evaluate a chunk using a previously
defined variable.
## [1] -0.56047565 -0.23017749 1.55870831 0.07050839 0.12928774
Besides code chunks, you can also insert values of R objects inline in text. For example:
For a circle with the radius r x
, its area is
r round(pi * x^2, 2)
You can write LaTeX code easily. For example: yi=x⊤iβ+ϵi, ϵi∼N(0,σ2).
(∫baf(x)dx), b∑x=af(x), b∏x=af(x), log(x), exp(x)
Greek letters: ϵεE
To write an equation:
To effectively cite references, start by creating a reference file named references.bib. Heres how to format your citations:
[@smith2020example; @brown2021manual]
[@smith2020example, pp. 33-35]
@smith2020example argues that...
Consider using the following tools to manage your bibliography: * Zotero with Better BibTeX extension * JabRef * Mendeley * EndNote