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MATLAB Tutorials

These tutorials are intended for use in some courses offered by the Department of Mathematics in Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. In order to view these files the Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer. This is a freeware, which can be downloaded from the Adobe Web site by clicking on this link   

getacro1.gif (986 bytes)

  • All files and examples included in these tutorials were tested on a PC (Windows 95) with the professional version of MATLAB 5.3, Release 11, installed.

  • Each tutorial, except Tutorial 1, is accompanied by a set of the compressed MATLAB m-files that are included in the text.

  • Tutorial 1 is recommended for those who have never used MATLAB before.

  • Tutorial 2 is intended for students who will write own computer code using MATLAB's programming language.

  • Tutorials 3 through 6 are recommended for use in courses that are listed below. 

Tutorial #

Tutorial title

Tutorial m-files


Number of pages

1 Getting Started with MATLAB    


2 Programming in MATLAB

Tutorial 2 files




Using MATLAB in Linear Algebra

Tutorial 3 files

Math 221 37

Numerical Linear Algebra

Tutorial 4 files

Math 475/ CS 475


Numerical Analysis with MATLAB

Tutorial 5 files

Math 475/ CS 475


Linear Programming with MATLAB

Tutorial 6 files

Math 472/ CS 472



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